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Yankee Candle

Yankee Candle
Problem: Yankee Candle is undoubtedly one of the most recognized candles, however in recent years there has been an abundance of competition for specialty candles.
Solution: Redefine The Yankee Candle Company, Inc. as a top notch product. Advertise as being ‘the best’ while creating nostalgia for past times in life.
Old Copy: “America’s Best Loved Candle”
New Copy: “The Best Scents of Your Life”
My vision is to create a commercial portraying a women lighting a Yankee candle with her children, which brings back a memory of her childhood.  In the first scene, mom is lighting some cookie scented candles with her children.
 The next scene portrays mom being taken back to when she used to bake Christmas cookies with her own mother.

Yankee Candle

Yankee Candle
